Attention Valued Customers: We will be re-opening Saturday, March, 23 for the 2024 Holiday Season!
–See you soon.

Here, a winter-weary home gardener is surrounded by a rainbow of brilliant colors and the aroma of fresh earth and flowers, blooming in all their splendor. Spring has definitely arrived at Atwood Greenhouses!

Potted plants, hanging baskets and decorative planters of every variety fill the greenhouses of Atwood Greenhouses, just as they have for many decades. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just want to beautify a doorstep with an overflowing planter, Make Atwood Greenhouses your your destination. Over 69 Years in Business!

We're a local, reputable business that has been servicing
our community for decades. Have questions? Call (401) 944-8720.


©2022 All rights reserved. Atwood Greenhouses.